The Benefits of SOLEA Laser Dentistry in Lutz, FL

Dental Studio 4 Kids • August 28, 2023

What is SOLEA laser dentistry and how can it help you? Here's everything you need to know about the benefits of SOLEA laser.

Your child smiles at you proudly from their Florida dental chair, ready to show you that they're a "big girl" or "big boy." You return a smile, knowing that your child's pediatric dentist offers SOLEA laser dentistry services. You already know that this appointment will be a piece of cake for them - and you.

Research shows that laser dentistry has existed for four decades, and the demand for it is only growing stronger. That's because laser dentistry is faster and more comfortable for patients.

SOLEA laser dentistry is especially picking up steam. What is SOLEA laser dentistry, and how can it help you? Let's explore everything you need to know about the benefits of SOLEA laser dentistry services at a dentist in Lutz, FL.

SOLEA Lasers For Dental Health

SOLEA laser dentistry involves using a laser with a special wavelength to provide speedy results during dental treatment procedures. It's a minimally invasive and simple dental treatment method that may make going to the dentist more enjoyable.

The laser produces an intense yet narrow light beam. This beam can painlessly reshape and remove a patient's enamel and tissue. Your enamel is your tooth's hard outer layer.

A pediatric dentist can easily work on baby teeth with the SOLEA laser. Dentists may also use the laser to work on teeth containing restorations, like crowns and dental fillings.

Who Can Benefit from SOLEA Dental Care?

Dentists can use the SOLEA laser in every dental procedure. It's most frequently used to treat gingivitis, or gum inflammation. It can also help with removing cavities.

Remember that a dentist may still prefer other pain-decreasing options (e.g., sedation dentistry) when performing treatments like root canals. Root canal treatment involves removing an inflamed nerve from a tooth's root, cleaning the inside area of the tooth, and putting a filling there to seal this space.

Sedation dentistry is where medication is used to help a patient relax during a dental procedure. An example of a sedation dentistry method is nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Your child would inhale the gas through a nosepiece or mask to feel calm and happy.

Can Anybody Use the SOLEA Laser?

This laser is safe for everyone to use, even pregnant women. Children are excellent candidates for the Solea laser since it may help them remain still during a dental procedure.

A patient with a preexisting health condition sometimes can't undergo a traditional procedure. This is also true for people with orthodontic devices (e.g., braces) or pacemakers. Dentists can easily use the SOLEA laser to perform these dental procedures without aggravating a preexisting health problem.

Benefits of SOLEA Laser Dentistry

This breakthrough technology makes undergoing various dental procedures a breeze. Your child's pediatric dentist can prepare their tooth for a filling without giving them anesthesia.

The Solea laser also makes gum surgery suture- and blood-free. Laser patients can experience less discomfort after the operation. Solea laser dentistry also leads to remarkably fast healing.

Deep dental cleanings can be performed with Solea lasers, but these cleanings shouldn't replace regular six-month dental cleanings. Regular cleanings are still necessary to maintain healthy teeth and gums, keeping gum disease and cavities away. Deeper cleanings are reserved for patients with gum disease.

Dentists like SOLEA lasers because they effectively preserve healthy tooth structures. Another benefit of the SOLEA laser is that it kills any bacteria it makes contact with, leading to a healthier patient mouth.

Solea lasers are easy to manage, enabling precise control. Patients can expect better dental outcomes than they could experience with traditional instruments.

Anxiety Reduction

The biggest benefit of the Solea dental laser is that it decreases anxiety. That's because the laser doesn't produce drilling sounds or involve needles. It causes no gum bleeding or pain as mentioned earlier.

This may help prevent your child from developing a fear of the dentist. Encourage friends and family members to experience the benefits of SOLEA lasers so that their children don't develop dental anxiety.

Additional SOLEA Laser Benefits

Your child's dentist can perform most laser procedures quickly in one visit. Your child won't have to spend extended periods in the dental chair or visit the dentist more than once to complete their treatment.

Another benefit of the Solea laser is that it's anesthesia-free. Your child won't experience numbness, so they can drink and eat right after the treatment.

Dentists and patients like SOLEA lasers because they don't emit radiation. The Food and Drug Administration has also approved the device for use in cutting enamel. Your child should still wear protective glasses during their procedure as a precaution.

SOLEA Benefits for Dental Practices

SOLEA lasers benefit dental practices because they make treating dental problems easier and faster. This can increase patient flow, making them more efficient.

The laser also enables dentists to handle more procedures in-house instead of referring them out. These procedures might include root canal treatment or deep cleanings.

Offering SOLEA dental lasers may further boost a dentist's reputation since they can give their patients painless, comfortable procedures. They save their patients time since they don't need to inject anesthesia or schedule several visits for dental surgeries.

What to Expect From SOLEA Lasers

Your child's pediatric dentist can explain to you what they'll experience during a SOLEA laser treatment procedure. They'll then target your child's affected area, focusing the light beam to get rid of an infection or cavity. This process should last only two minutes.

Children shouldn't complain about pain during the procedure. They won't be numb, so they might feel coldness in the area being worked on every two seconds.

Kids might describe this cold feeling like ice cream touching their teeth. It shouldn't cause them pain. No soreness or bleeding should occur during the treatment.

Visit Your Leading Dentist in Lutz, FL

SOLEA laser dentistry is a minimally invasive, painless, and fast way to treat various dental problems. These issues range from cavities to gum disease. Lasers are perfect for children since they are quick to use, eliminating the need for a child to spend extended periods at the dental office.

Dental Studio 4 Kids is your leading local dentist in Lutz, FL. We'd be glad to show you how the SOLEA laser works and how it may benefit your child's oral health. Schedule a dental appointment for your little one today!

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