How Does the SOLEA Laser Work in Laser Dentistry?

Dental Studio 4 Kids • September 25, 2022

Are you wondering how SOLEA laser dentistry works? Check out our guide as we look at laser dentistry, how it works, the benefits and more today.

About 13% of children have untreated cavities. Meanwhile, approximately 26% of adults ages 20 to 44 need cavity treatment, too. With laser dentistry treatment using the SOLEA laser, your family can receive the help you need.

What is laser dentistry, exactly, and how can the SOLEA laser help? Read on to find out!

Reading this guide can help you determine if it's time to schedule an appointment with your pediatric dentist in Tampa, FL. They can help you discover the benefits of choosing laser dentistry for your family. Get your intro to laser treatment with this guide today!

What Is the SOLEA Laser?

First, let's cover the question that's likely on your mind: what is laser dentistry?

Using lasers like the SOLEA laser, these treatments can help remedy an array of different dental conditions. Laser dentistry offers more comfortable treatment options than procedures involving drills and other tools.

Lasers create light energy that can produce a reaction when it hits hard or soft tissue. Then, your dentist is able to remove or shape the tissue as necessary.

This form of dentistry can help treat tooth decay, gum disease, and hypersensitivity. It's ideal for whitening teeth, too. 

The SOLEA laser produces an intense, narrow beam of light energy, allowing for precision and speed. Your child's pediatric dentist in Tampa, FL can use the beam to treat enamel, dentin, gingiva, and bone tissues. Since the beam is narrow and focused, it allows for faster treatment. 

The laser is able to vaporize target tissue without contact, regardless of whether your dentist is treating gums, bones, or teeth. Treatments don't require numbing medications or needles. Using a laser also minimizes noise, which could help your child feel relaxed and comfortable during the procedure. 


SOLEA will allow your child's dentist in Tampa, FL to prepare a tooth when filling a cavity. The speed and precision ensure they won't have to spend much time out of school. Instead, they can be in and out with a single appointment. 

SOLEA lasers are used for routine cavity fillings, crowns, removing old fillings, and more complex procedures. 

As an alternative to conventional dental practices, it can also help with:

  • Performing tooth canal therapy
  • Removing dental cavities
  • Treating gum disease
  • Performing gum or bone grafting procedures
  • Treating canker sores
  • Removing damaged tissues
  • Placing dental fillings
  • Deep cleanings

Only 10% of dentists are effectively practicing laser dentistry. Consider finding a pediatric dentist in Tampa, FL who utilizes SOLEA's technology. They'll ensure your child receives the best possible standard of care.


Before your child can experience these benefits, they'll need to make sure laser treatment aligns with your child's unique needs. 

One of the top benefits of SOLEA laser treatment is the increased precision it offers. You won't have to worry about your child's dentist cutting healthy tissues. Instead, the dentist will focus the beam on the treatment area to avoid further damage. 

Laser treatment can also ensure pain-free procedures.

Many patients fear dental procedures like cavity treatment because of the potential pain they might experience. As a result, many dentists perform these procedures while younger patients are under anesthesia.

Reducing pain symptoms can ensure your child remains still during the treatment process. However, you might not feel comfortable with your child receiving anesthesia. Consider scheduling laser treatment instead.

Your child's pediatric dentist can perform treatment using the SOLEA laser without anesthesia. 

Since anesthesia isn't involved, your child won't experience numbness. They can eat and drink immediately after the procedure, too. 

Choosing laser dentistry services can also reduce downtime. Your child can go right back to school after their treatment.

The healing process is faster, too. Since the laser ensures accuracy, there's little to no damage to the surrounding tissue.

Choosing laser treatment for your child can save you time as well. You won't have to wait hours for your child to receive the care they need.

Instead, you can take them back to school and continue with your day sooner than expected. 

You won't have to worry about returning for another appointment, either. Instead, the dentist can complete the procedure quickly within a single appointment.


Don't worry; your child shouldn't experience any pain or discomfort during treatment. Instead, they might feel a cold sensation, as if they're eating ice cream. This sensation will only last for a few seconds. 

Since the laser ensures accuracy, your child shouldn't experience any gum bleeding or soreness. These side effects are common with traditional forms of treatment.

Your child will also experience less damage to surrounding tissues. Bruising and damage to soft tissue can occur with traditional treatments. 

Laser dentistry is ideal for young patients, too. Choosing this treatment option can ensure your child remains still during the procedure. 

Children with orthodontic devices (palate expanders, headgear, aligners, braces) can receive treatment with SOLEA as well. The devices won't sustain damage.

However, you should let your pediatric dentist know if your child has an underlying medical condition. They'll help you determine if your child is an ideal candidate for treatment with SOLEA. 

Remember, SOLEA is used for many traditional procedures, including deep teeth cleaning. However, it won't replace regular teeth cleanings or oral hygiene practices. Make sure your child brushes and flosses daily to improve their oral health. 

Talk to Your Dentist in Tampa, FL About Laser Dentistry Today

If your child needs treatment from their dentist in Tampa, FL, consider laser dentistry. Treatment with the SOLEA laser can ensure speed and accuracy. Your child could feel more comfortable during their appointment, too. 

Remember to consult your child's pediatric dentist in Tampa, FL to determine if treatment with SOLEA suits their needs. 

You can contact us today to learn more.

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