Tongue Tie and Lip Tie: What Can Be Done?

Dental Studio 4 Kids • September 16, 2020

Are you unsure of what can be done about a tongue tie and lip tie? We're here to share what steps can be taken to solve this condition.

Does your kid have a tongue tie or a lip tie? Do you even know what it is? Well, if you don't, it's nothing to worry about, most people don't. 

But as a responsible parent, you are here and you're willing to learn. That's admirable. In premise, a tongue-tie is a condition that can cause poor oral hygiene, difficulty speaking, breastfeeding problems.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about the condition. As well as what it can be done about it. 

So if you'd like to ensure your child's well-being shortly, keep reading.

Tongue Tie & Lip Tie: What Is It?

The diagnosis of a lip tie or tongue tie is quite common. It can be diagnosed at any age. In some circumstances, children can learn to live with the tie, but it's unfavorable. 

In other situations, corrective treatment is necessary to help the child with speaking, breastfeeding, enjoying foods, etc. 

The frenum or frenulum is the tissue cord that is centered under the tongue or at the upper lip. This cord is receding as the person grows older. In some people, the frenum can be tight and too short. This contributes to a restriction of the tongue or upper lip mobility.

Lip ties have been associated with upper front teeth cavities, breastfeeding problems, front teeth gaps, etc. Tongue ties contribute to trouble eating and poor oral hygiene. 

However, keep in mind, that not all lip or tongue ties have to be corrected. 

How It Affects Infants

If the frenulum is too tight or short, it can also lead to weight gain in infants. A tongue-tie prevents the child's ability to draw milk from the mother. 
When a baby's ability to latch on is inhibited, it will lead to excess stomach bloating and gas due to swallowing the air. 

Nursing mothers will also experience significant pain in the process of breastfeeding, as a result of the lip tie. 

How It Affects Children, Aged 3+

When the condition is left untreated, a lip tie can impair their tooth alignment. Around the third year of life, impaired speech is quite apparent. 
While there is no way to estimate if the child will experience speaking problems, the following aspects are quite evident in children with tongue ties:
  1. Inability to reach the roof of the mouth
  2. Trouble moving the tongue sideways
  3. Trouble sticking out the tongue beyond the gums above
  4. A V-shaped notch at the tongue tip
  5. A significant gap between the lower and upper front teeth
Lip or tongue ties, when not fixed can lead to some breathing and sleep problems, as well as gastroesophageal reflux. Due to the pressure, there can be tissue sensitivity, gum recession, bacteria increases, and much more.

What Can Be Done?

Using a scalpel or scissors to cut, remove or snip the tissue is the most conventional way to correct the lip tie. This process is referred to as frenotomy.

Unfortunately, there is a significant quantity of bleeding and a moderate quantity of discomfort that is associated with the process. This procedure also comes with an incidence of great scar tissue and a likelihood of reattachment.

To the advances in technology, a doctor can use a diode laser to correct these tongue ties. When safely performed, the laser can be used on persons of all ages, even children. 

The laser can deplete the tissue within minutes with no discomfort or bleeding. It inhibits frenulum reattachment and prevents scar tissue. Any discomfort from the tongue tie procedure will only last about a day. 

In older children, it might be a bit longer. You and your child must follow all of the procedures provided by the doctor, including massage and stretching.

Children will not care for such exercises and might be stressed over them. But you need to perform them, as they are imperative to their health.

A subsequent appointment will be arranged to examine the healing after a week. Depending on the progress, more appointments might have to be scheduled.

Additional Information

In most circumstances, parents will bring their kid for a consultation with the doctor after being referred to them by a pediatrician, consultant, or midwife. If there are issues with bottle feeding, or the infant is gaining weight, some parents will choose single-day procedures. 

However, the initial appointment can be a consultation, and the parents can choose to schedule a next appointment for the procedure to occur.

It's advised that infants are not to eat before the procedure. This is only because it contributes to an overall comfortable experience and helps them adjust to an appropriate latching pattern.

During the treatment, infants will be swaddled to help them remain still. There's also a gentle head holding for their own safety. The doctor will move on to the procedure and safety is followed to the tee. 

The procedure itself takes a couple of minutes, and once it's done, parents are invited back in to comfort the child.

In terms of pain regulation, it's advised that the parents converse with a pediatrician in advance. Tylenol is usually sufficient and should be consumed in advance as well. 30 minutes before the procedure is a good time frame.

After the procedure, the doctor will discuss massage and stretching to manage any of the pain and decreased mobility after the treatment.

Safe Treatment for Your Child

Now that you know what a tongue tie and lip tie is, as well as what can be done, you are well on your way to secure the future of your child. If you suspect that your child has a frenulum condition but are unsure, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

If you'd like to schedule a meet or treatment for tongue-tie, get in touch with us and we will happily accommodate your needs.

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