What Is Laser Dentistry and Is It Safe for Kids?

Dental Studio 4 Kids • July 13, 2022

You may have heard of it before, but what is laser dentistry, and is it considered safe for kids? Discover the answers below.

Lasers have been used in dentistry since the 1970s for hard and soft tissue applications. The first laser made for dentistry came about in 1987 and got approved by the FDA in 1990. In 2013, a policy was adopted that informed on the use of laser dentistry in pediatrics.

This policy explained the uses and benefits of laser dentistry in children. Dental Studio 4 Kids is a top-rated pediatric dentist in Lutz, FL, offering laser dentistry with the Solea laser.

So, what is laser dentistry? Read on to learn the benefits of laser dentistry and its use in children.

What Is Laser Dentistry?

LASER stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser emits light energy in a narrow beam that allows dentists to perform hard and soft tissue procedures. This laser can remove or shape soft and hard tissue.

Solea Laser

The Solea laser is a dental-specific laser that can remove or reshape tissue or enamel. This laser is safe for use on all kinds of teeth, even those with previous restorations. The use of this laser makes it possible to work in multiple areas of the mouth in a single visit.

What Can Laser Dentistry Treat?

Laser dentistry can treat many issues like hypersensitivity, tooth decay, and gum disease. There are three FDA-approved ways lasers can be used in pediatric dentistry.


Laser dentistry for cavities is a great option to replace dental tools that may scare kids. With lasers, there are no drills or scary sounds. Laser dentistry is less painful than traditional dentistry.


Some infants are born with a tongue-tie. A tongue-tie is a band of tissue that connects the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. It impacts breathing and eating.

In some cases, treatment is needed for a tongue-tie. A laser cauterizes the tongue-tie as it cuts. It reduces pain, bleeding, and healing time.

Infants can nurse right after tongue-tie treatment with a laser.

Gum Lesions

Gum lesions are often benign, though it is always best to remove them. Gum lesions can be uncomfortable for your child. Laser dentistry is an effective way to remove the lesions with minimal pain, swelling, and bleeding.

Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Dental lasers have a wide range of benefits in treating children. They can reduce healing time and cause your child less pain.


Lasers emit a very small, concentrated light ray. This makes laser dentistry accurate and precise during dental treatments. The function of lasers also adds to the precision of this type of dentistry.

Lasers target water molecules, and decaying tissue contains more water than healthy tissue. This allows the lasers to only target the unhealthy tissue in the mouth. It will not damage any healthy tissue surrounding the affected area.

When treating cavities, a laser removes less of the healthy tooth material. This results in better oral health for your child.

Less Pain

The concentrated beam of light in laser treatment cauterizes as it cuts. This means that it seals off nerve endings, making the procedure painless.

Since it is a painless procedure, your child won’t need a novocaine shot before treatment.

Even though your child will feel some pain after the procedure, it will be less than after traditional dental treatments. They also won’t have to wait for the numbing agent to wear off – saving them from biting their cheek or lip!

Reduced Swelling and Bleeding

When the laser cauterizes, it also reduces swelling and bleeding. This often means your child will avoid having sutures after a procedure. It makes your child more comfortable during and after the procedure.

Reduced Infection Risk and Shorter Healing Time

Dental lasers target decaying tissue very well, leavening no diseased tissue behind. They also sterilize as they cut, which reduces the infection risk during healing. The need for antibiotics after a procedure gets reduced.

Lasers seal the wound right away, encouraging the tissue to heal without the need for stitches. This shortens the healing time and the amount of discomfort your child will feel.

Disadvantages of Laser Dentistry

Though there are many benefits to laser dentistry, it is not a perfect solution. There are some disadvantages to using laser dentistry.

  • Can only be used on certain filling types
  • Traditional tools and anesthesia may still be needed
  • Risk of gum or tooth pulp injury
  • Lasers cannot treat all dental problems

Is Laser Dentistry Safe for Children?

Dozens of studies were performed before lasers became common in dentistry. These studies ensured the safety and effectiveness of the procedures. No matter what treatment your child needs, laser dentistry is a safe method for them.

Discuss the treatment options with your dentist before proceeding. You and your dentist will find the right treatment for the dental work your child needs done. Each child is unique, and you know what is best for your child.

Laser dentistry takes some of the scariness out of visiting the dentist. The anxiety reduction may give your child a positive outlook on going to the dentist. It will benefit their oral health in the long run.

Risks of Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is low risk, but there are some things parents should be aware of. Lasers are capable of causing damage to tissue other than the affected tissue. This is easy to avoid by selecting a pediatric dentist that is skilled and trained in laser dentistry procedures.

Some dental procedures that use a laser will still involve the use of traditional dental tools. An example could be the removal of a filling as a laser cannot do that.

Lasers are very bright and can harm the eyes if they are not protected. A trusted dentist will provide special glasses to protect against this happening.

Find a Pediatric Dentist in Lutz, FL

A Laser dentistry dentist in Lutz FL provides children with a positive dental experience. It is almost pain-free and reduces the need for anesthetic shots. There are no loud noises that often frighten children.

Using a laser for dental treatment also reduces the risk of infection while healing. Healing time gets reduced, and there is no need for sutures as the laser seals up the wound as it cuts.

Now that we’ve answered the question “what is laser dentistry?” you can feel comfortable using this treatment method for your child. Contact your pediatric dentist in Lutz, FL, today for a consultation!

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